71st International Astronautical Congress - The CyberSpace Edition : IAC-2020 — International Space Elevator Consortium
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71st International Astronautical Congress - The CyberSpace Edition : IAC-2020

IAC20-D4-3 Session Title : Entering the Space Elevator Era

This session will be open to all on-line, free of charge.

Session Description
Upon publishing the International Academy of Astronautics four-year study entitled “Road to the Space Elevator Era,” members of the study see the future a little brighter. The purpose of this study (published spring 2019) was to assess the critical technological issues and general questions and then present assessments to the Academy to ensure that the topic has been approached with expertise and curiosity. Now the challenge is to initiate appropriate programs, tests, and research to truly enter the Space Elevator Era. This session will discuss the efforts around the world ensuring that the results of the study are incorporated into the engineering and development plans. The invitation is open to show the test results and experimentation results that will indeed lead to space elevators.

IPC members

  • Co-Chair: Dr. Peter Swan, ISEC, US

  • Co-Chair: Dr. Yoji Ishikawa, Obayashi Corporation, Japan

  • Rapporteur: Dr. John Knapman, ISEC, UK

Confirmed content of the Virtual Space Elevator session include…

  1. Fast Transit to Interplanetary Destinations   by Dr Pete Swan (ISEC, US)

  2. Experimental Study on Heavy Load Climber Applying Hybrid Roller Mechanism for Small Manned Space Elevator by Ms Momoe Terata (Shonan IoT, Japan) + others

  3. Three-dimensional analysis of a counterweight type space elevator   by Mr Taiki Okino (Shizuoka Uni, Japan) + others

  4. Beneficial Environmental Impacts of Space Elevators by the study group led by Dr Jerry Eddy (ISEC, US) & Dr Pete Swan

 If you have IAF access the latest paper status can be found by following this link.

Each contributor will provide an eight-minute video, paper and presentation

REGISTER NOW on https://iac2020.vfairs.com/en/registration

For general information on IAC-2020 follow this link