International Space Elevator Consortium: Events — International Space Elevator Consortium
Space Elevator Session at ISDC2025
2:00 PM14:00

Space Elevator Session at ISDC2025


The National Space Society’s yearly International Space Development Conference is in Orlando in 2025 with a large agenda with many activities and presentations.  The conference dates are from Thursday June 19th to Sunday June 22nd, 2025. 

As it is in Orlando, there will be ties to the activities (and tours) of Kennedy Space Center.  The conference runs from Thursday 19th June to Sunday 22nd June 2025 and covers a full spectrum of space topics with remarkable attendees [usually the leaders from space corporations and national leaders from NASA and such].  The topic of the conference is: “Together Beyond.” 

ISEC will lead the Space Elevator Session on Saturday June 21st from 2pm to 6pm local time, see below for more details.

All conference attendees may attend the Space Elevator session.

Follow this link for full conference details and registration. :

“Space Elevators - Revolutionizing Access to Space”

Modern-Day Space Elevators address the huge challenges being embraced by the NSS – moving off planet and saving our planet.

The success of operating a complex of Modern-Day Space Elevators will transform humanity’s relationship with space with eco-friendly, cost-effective and efficient logistics delivery to GEO and beyond. New opportunities will surface for space exploration, resource utilization and satellite assembly beyond the gravity well.

The remarkable lift capability will grow over time and become known as the ‘Green Road to Space’ as it uses electricity to raise its payloads and does not leave debris behind. Humanity is standing on the cusp of a new era, with tethers from mid-ocean to Apex Anchors (100,000 km altitude) enabling the dreams of many, including the principle one of the National Space Society – off planet settlements.

These ribbons from ocean to space will offer the promise of making space accessible to all, fostering global cooperation, positioning humanity to address Earth’s challenges, inspiring a sustainable future for our planet, and living off-planet.


We already have a number of speakers in our provisional schedule, we are accepting more abstracts until the NSS deadline of April 15th 2025. The provisional schedule will be added here soon after that date.

The session will conclude with a Panel Discussion led by ISEC President Dennis Wright, with a provisional title “Solving the Down Problem : Getting Space Resources to Earth”.

If you would like to speak at the session, follow this link to submit your abstract :

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76th International Astronautical Congress : IAC-2025 Sydney
to Oct 3

76th International Astronautical Congress : IAC-2025 Sydney

  • International Convention Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

ISEC Chief Architect Dr Peter Swan will again co-chair the Space Elevator Session IAC-25,D4.3 at IAC2025.

The session date is not yet scheduled but in previous years has been held on the Tuesday afternoon, meaning 30-Sep-2025 this year.

Abstracts are invited for this session, to be submitted by 28-Feb-2025 . To submit your abstract follow this link :

Modern Day Space Elevator as a Permanent Transportation Infrastructure:

Space elevators position humanity to address Earth’s challenges from a new vantage point.

We are on the brink of transforming our relationship with space, offering an eco-friendly, cost-effective, and efficient logistics method to transport large cargoes into space. This gateway will provide unparalleled opportunities in space exploration, resource utilization, and satellite assembly. Starting in the late 2030s, space elevator infrastructures will deliver satellites and other payloads to GEO, the Moon and Mars at the rate of 30,000 tonnes, every year. This surpasses the total launched between 1957 and 2022. Indeed – a seismic shift! By harnessing electricity for lift, each space elevator promises daily deliveries of up to 14 tonnes to geostationary orbit (GEO), dramatically reducing the environmental impact as compared to rocket launches. Space elevator designs have an unmatched 70% pad mass to GEO efficiency, as compared to only 2% for rockets. They have the potential to unlock solutions to Earth's most pressing challenges such as harvesting solar power from space, climate monitoring, and global communication networks.

As humanity stands on the cusp of this new era, these ribbons from ocean to space offer the promise of making space accessible to all, fostering global cooperation, positioning humanity to address Earth's challenges, and inspiring a sustainable future for our planet.

The Keynote Speech for this technical session will be entitled the "Jerome Pearson Memorial Lecture."

More details of the session will be added here when available.

Link to the technical programme website :

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DEMO-1 : First Climb
1:00 PM13:00

DEMO-1 : First Climb

Our demonstrator climbs will prove the Space Elevator Initial Operating Capability (IOC), and we will soon be ready to ship your cargo to Mars and beyond.

Book your payload now : there’s no need for protection against high-g launch loads, we offer a smooth ride to GEO and our Apex station, followed by a journey to Mars in as little as 70 days … all at a fraction of the price of current commercial shipping costs.

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Space Elevator Fully Operational
7:00 AM07:00

Space Elevator Fully Operational

After many years of cargo operation the Earth Space Elevator is now opening for human transportation.

Wherever your destination in Space - a Mars Tube, a Trojan Habitat or the Venus clouds - you can now start your journey with a smooth, low-g ascent to GEO. Daily departures with no weather or other delays, no traumatic launch process and no costly luggage allowance. Ticket sales open soon, just tell your bot.

That’s the future

Below is the past : our archive of previous events.

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75th International Astronautical Congress : IAC-2024 Milan
to Oct 18

75th International Astronautical Congress : IAC-2024 Milan

  • MICO Convention Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Theme: “Responsible Space for Sustainability”

Sponsored by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF)

Event link :

The Space Elevator Technical Session D4.3 is scheduled for 1500-1730 local time on Tuesday 15th October 2024, to be held in ‘Turquoise Hall 1’.

The latest schedule is posted below, the very latest version is available via this link.

Session Title

Modern Day Space Elevator Transformational Strengths and their Applications


Modern Day Space Elevator design concepts are driven from many arenas : the customer is the first driver, but transformational strengths determine mission fulfillment.  

Once the tether is in place and the tether climbers start raising payloads, the remarkable characteristics will start to dominate the movement of mass.  This symposia will address how the following characteristics impact mission success for the customers :  

(a) Unmatched efficiencies with daily, routine, safe, and inexpensive payload deliveries

(b) Unmatched massive movement [ initial Operational Capability 30,000 tonnes/yr, growing to Full Operational Capability of 170,000 tonnes/yr over multiple tethers]

(c) Unmatched release velocity (starting at 7.76 km/sec at 100,000 km altitude for rapid transits to the Moon, Mars and beyond)

(d) Environmentally neutral operations as a green road to space

(e) Reduces rocket fairing design limitations

(f) Assembly at the top of the gravity well

(g) Transforming the economic strengths of strategic investment, ubiquitous access and uninterrupted exchange of resources.

The Keynote Speech for this technical session is the "Jerome Pearson Memorial Lecture."

IPC members

  • Co-Chair: Dr. Peter Swan, Teaching Science and Technology, Inc (TSTI), United States

  • Co-Chair: Dr. Yoji Ishikawa, Obayashi Corporation, Japan

  • Rapporteur: Mr Daniel Griffin, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden

Schedule uploaded 4-October-2024

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International Space Elevator Consortium Conference 2024
to Sep 8

International Space Elevator Consortium Conference 2024

The International Space Elevator Consortium (ISEC) will again hold the annual Space Elevator Conference in 2024. This is an IN-PERSON event, with no live on-line access available.

REGISTRATION is OPEN ! — Full conference price is USD 275.00 . This price includes admittance to the conference venue, access to conference presentations, continental breakfast and lunch on both days, and dinner on the first day.

Registration for single days is also available.

For more information and to register, follow this link to … Conference Registration Page.

Provisional Schedule : SUBJECT TO CHANGE

DAY 1 : Saturday 7-Sep-2024

0900 : Breakfast/networking

9:20 Welcome and conference details … Karyn Gleeson

  • Introduction from ISEC President … Dennis Wright

  • Multi-modal Interplanetary Transit Network … Jason “Hap” Arnold               

  • Special characteristics leading to powerful value proposition … Pete Swan

  • What type of person is willing to ride in a Space Elevator? … Savanna Box et al

  • Tether Deployment Workshop (Part 1) … Jerry Eddy

  • Delivering power to the Space Elevator Climber … Larry Bartoszek

  • New Space Elevator Mission Requirement are needed … Steven Griggs

12:00 Lunch/networking

  • Exciting Opportunities at GEO and Apex Anchor … John Knapman

  • Linear Motor Elevators  … Kazan et al

  • Apex Anchor Transformative Strengths … Swan, Phister

  • Delivering power to the space elevator climber without lasers … Larry Bartoszek

  • Tether Deployment Trials and Tribulations … Jim Dempsey 

17:00 Reception/networking at cash bar 70th floor

18:00 Dinner (provided in conference area)

DAY 2 : Sunday 8-Sep-2024

9:00 Breakfast/networking

  • Simulation Workshop … Dennis Wright

  • Student involvement in Space Elevators … Pete Swan

  • Alignment of ISEC goals with NSS … Arnold, Bartoszek

12:00 Lunch/networking

  • Workshop/Panel : Teaming with Science Fiction authors on Space Elevators … Douglas Phillips

  • Shotgun Science … Dennis Wright et al

  • Tether Deployment Workshop (Part 2) … Jerry Eddy

17:00 Carriages

Please send questions or requests for details to Dennis Wright at

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Space Elevator Session at ISDC2024
2:00 PM14:00

Space Elevator Session at ISDC2024

ISEC will lead the Space Elevator session at the National Space Society ‘ISDC2024’ conference.

Location : ‘Laguna Room’, Sheraton Gateway LAX.

“Space Settlements Enabled by Transformational Permanent Infrastructures”  

These presentations will focus upon the transformational access to space when permanent infrastructures are operational in the late 2030s. 

Modern-Day Space Elevators are moving into their second phase of development and will enable the rise of new, exciting, and revolutionary endeavors at GEO, Cislunar, and beyond.  A newly expanded concept will change the equation for developments beyond Earth. 

This revolutionary approach has three components:

  1)  efficient delivery of supplies to the GEO and Apex Anchors for assembly into larger space systems [70% of liftoff mass to GEO and beyond],
2)  release towards the Moon [14 hrs] and Mars [as little as 61 days] with very high velocities [7.76 km/sec],
3) “on time delivery” of logistics to destinations with the ability to release each day towards Mars [no 26 month wait for the next window] or beyond. 

Attend the session to hear and engage with some of the world’s experts on Space Elevator technologies.

All ISDC2024 conference attendees may attend, register here.


(All times are PM, as planned May 4th 2024)

2:00 - 2:10 Opening Session Remarks : Peter Swan

2:10 - 2:30 Modern-Day Space Elevators, Transformational Permanent Infrastructures : Peter Swan

2:30 – 2:40 Dual Space Access Strategy : Jerry Eddy

2:40 – 2:55 Planetary Defense : Paul Phister

2:55 – 3:00 Space Elevator Visualizer 1 : Aidan Hurley-Kalici

3:00 – 3:15 “Space Policy Mission: Green Orbit” by the Columbia University Space Elevator Academic Challenge prize winners : Selin Mordeniz & Elliot Heath with mentors Adam Dawood, Anastasia Shmeleva and Isabel Tenney

3:15 – 3:20 Introduction to on-going research items : Dennis Wright

3:20 – 3:40 Strong Materials for the Space Elevator: Status and Behavior at the Climber-Tether Interface : Dennid Wright

3:40 – 4:00 Delivering Power to the Space Elevator Climber : Larry Bartoszek

4:00 – 4:10 Cyclic Transportation System : Paul Phister

4:10 – 4:20 A State-of-the-Art Simulator for the Space Elevator : Dennis Wright

4:20 – 4:30 Apex Anchor Full Service Transportation Node : Phister/Swan

4:30 – 4:40 Reassessing the requirements for a relevant space elevator : Steven Griggs

4:50 – 5:00 Space Train: A Novel Solution to the Space Elevator Technology - Ned Popovich

5:00 – 6:00 Panel “Vision to Reality : Making NSS Goals Happen”

5:00 – 5:05 Challenge the Community : Panel Lead … Jason Arnold, Ed.D.

5:05 – 5:20 Explanation of NSS Goals 2024 : David Dressler

5:20 – 5:30 Space Elevator Capabilities : Peter Swan, Ph.D.

5:30 – 5:55 Q&A from Audience : Dennis Wright, Ph.D.

5:55 – 6:00 Closer : Jason Arnold, Ed.D.

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74th International Astronautical Congress : IAC-2023 Baku
3:00 PM15:00

74th International Astronautical Congress : IAC-2023 Baku

  • BCC Balcony C2 Baku Convention Center, Baku Azerbaijan (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

IAC Theme : “Give Space A Chance”

Follow this link to the main IAC2023 website.

The IAC Space Elevator session will be held from 3 pm local time on Tuesday October 3rd.

The IAC Session Categories are:

  • Science and Exploration

  • Applications and Operations

  • Technology

  • Infrastructure

  • Space and Society

Our Space Elevator themed technical session is D4.3 “Modern Day Space Elevator Customer Design Drivers.”

Design concepts to support permanent space access infrastructures are driven from many arenas, such as the dynamics of deploying tether climbers on a 100,000 km tether stretching across the space environment from the surface of the ocean to well beyond geosynchronous orbit.

Other design drivers include environmental challenges ranging from the ocean and atmospheric demands near the Earth Port to the tremendous temperature range and environmental challenges of the vacuum of space.

In addition, architects and systems engineers must consider a vast range of requirements from customers. The demands of a million tonnes deposited on the surface of Mars (or The Moon) and the GEO requirement of 3,000,000 tonnes of space solar power satellites solidifies requirements to move massive payloads routinely, daily, inexpensively, and oriented to customers’ needs.

The dramatic need to accomplish all of this without damaging the Earth’s atmosphere means the ‘Green Road to Space’ must be realized. These customer demands will lead to the realization that Space Elevators will enable missions of vast importance to humanity (“Saving the Planet” with delivery of Space Solar Power satellites, Lunar habitat and Mars settlement support, and missions to the outer planets).

The session will discuss needs of Space Elevators’ future customers, start the refinement of design criteria and identify customer requirements necessary to initiate realistic designs.

Submitted session papers and speaker status are shown below (updated 25-Sept-2023), with 10 confirmed presentations by eight speakers from Canada, China, Japan and the UK.

Click on the image to go to the IAC website session page.

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Space Elevator Academic Challenge : Improving Humanity’s Future
to Dec 1

Space Elevator Academic Challenge : Improving Humanity’s Future


Information on the 2024 Space Elevator Academic Challenge can be found here:


  • 15-Sep-2023 Launch

  • 1-Dec-2023 Abstract Deadline

  • 15-Dec-2023 Semi-Finalist Selection

  • 01-Feb-2024 Paper Deadline

  • 15-Feb-2024 Finalist Selection

  • 01-Apr-2024 Audio-Visual Deadline


  • 23rd to 26th May 2024 : Presentations at NSS ‘ISDC-2024’ Conference, Los Angeles

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ISDC Reception, Sponsored by ISEC
6:00 PM18:00

ISDC Reception, Sponsored by ISEC

  • Embassy Suites by Hilton Dallas Frisco Hotel & Convention Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The International Space Elevator Consortium is sponsoring the International Space Development Conference reception from 6pm to 7pm local time on Saturday May 27th prior to the main awards ceremonies at the dinner engagement.

The one-hour reception will include posters and handouts from ISEC as well as a short speech. The essence of the hour will be to introduce people to the general concept and encourage discussions about Space Elevators and Galactic Harbours. Both the ISEC President (Dr Pete Swan) and Vice President (Dr Dennis Wright) will represent ISEC.

The dinner following will have major awards to:

· Dr. Eric Smith representing the James Webb Space Telescope program

· Dr. David Livingston for his successful Space Show

· Winners of the Rothblatt Competition Awards

· Grand Prize Award for the Space Settlement Contest

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Space Elevator Session at ISDC 2023
2:00 PM14:00

Space Elevator Session at ISDC 2023

  • Embassy Suites by Hilton Dallas Frisco Hotel & Convention Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The 41st annual International Space Development Conference®, ISDC® 2023, hosted by the National Space Society will be held from May 25-28, 2023 at the Embassy Suites by Hilton Dallas-Frisco Hotel & Convention Center in Frisco, TX.

The theme for ISDC 2023 is A New Space.

Got to for full conference details.

The Space Elevator session will be held 1400-1745 CDT on Thursday May 25th, the focus will be : “A Dual Space Access Strategy is well along the way.”

The combining of strengths of advanced rockets and space elevators will be transformational for future mission success—rockets and space elevators cooperating and complementary. Many of the discussions will focus around a permanent transportation infrastructure moving massive cargo daily, routinely, inexpensively, safely, and environmentally friendly.

This Green Road to Space is entering engineering development and will ensure our future with improvements to the Earth’s environment, expand our reach towards the Moon and Mars, and enable projects not even thought of yet. These transformational transportation strengths will be able to raise massive payloads to GEO and beyond (30,000 tons per year at Initial Operations) enabling strategic investment, ubiquitous access, and uninterrupted exchange of resources…the staples of Space Elevators.

Join the world’s leading experts as they outline, discuss, and debate a unique approach which will revolutionize access to space.

The provisional schedule for the session is as follows :

1400 : Space Elevator Track Kickoff: ‘Dreaming of Space - Take an Elevator’, Peter Swan (ISEC)

1410 : Space in your Future, Take an Elevator, Peter Swan (ISEC)

1500 : NASA Space Settlement Contest Presentation

1520 : Elastic Driven Climber Jim Dempsey (The Cove)

1600 : Missions Enabled by a Dual Space Access Strategy, Jerry Eddy (ISEC)

1610 : Interface Between Space Elevator Climber and the Tether, Dennis Wright (ISEC)

1700 : Panel Key Questions: Logistical Mass to GEO? Material for Tether? Managing Space Debris? When and How Much? Moderator: Dennis Wright (ISEC)

The full program for ISDC2023 is below (as of 5th May 2023)

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Space Elevator Session at 73rd International Astronautical Congress : IAC-2022
3:00 PM15:00

Space Elevator Session at 73rd International Astronautical Congress : IAC-2022

The Space Elevator event at IAC 2022 is Session D4.3 (Room E06B, 3pm-5.30pm local time) as follows :


Session 3 : Modern Day Space Elevators Entering Development


The term “Modern Day Space Elevator – 2021” describes how we have matured through eight Space Elevator architectures described by David Raitt in his Quest Magazine article (2021). This session will have two areas of focus:

1) Recognition of engineering successes leading to the engineering development phase. This portion of the session will focus on recent engineering activities such as:

a. tether climber – tether material interface and design considerations

b. development of a gold standard of systems dynamics

c. progress in the multi-stage approach

d. engineering considerations for the Earth Port

e. material development for the tether

2) Assessment of the customer needs for growth off planet and enhancement at Geosynchronous orbits. This portion will assess the vast capabilities of the Modern Day Space Elevator (massive movement of cargo, green road to space and permanent infrastructure) and describe how these will enable missions of VAST IMPORTANCE to humanity (saving the planet with Space Solar Power, Mars Colony, Moon Village, and missions to outer planets).

IPC members

Co-Chair: Dr. Peter Swan, International Space Elevator Consortium, US

Co-Chair: Dr. Yoji Ishikawa, Obayashi Corporation, Japan

Rapporteur: Dr. Jerry Eddy, International Space Elevator Consortium (ISEC), US

Details of accepted papers can be found by following this link, summarised in the image below.

Note, on the submission deadline only 13 of the 16 listed papers were confirmed.

Session Status on 29th June 2022

For more on IAC-2022 follow this link .

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International Space Elevator Consortium Conference 2022
to Aug 20

International Space Elevator Consortium Conference 2022

Transformational Space Access Infrastructure

The ISEC 2022 Conference will be virtual, 1500-1900 UTC on Friday 19th and Saturday 20th August.

We look forward to gathering again after three years : we have missed the camaraderie, innovative ideas, updates on progress, and the momentum building characteristics of our conferences.  

This year we are forced to go virtual to ensure we do not miss another year of “getting together and sharing.”  Please plan on supporting this conference!  The theme of the conference will reflect the magnitude of the venture with two sub-themes carrying on the tradition of supporting ongoing ISEC studies and those just starting.  The major categories to be emphasized this year are:

  • Dual Space Access Architecture   

  • Materials Science and Engineering       

  • Tether/Climber Interface              

  • Transformational Permanent Space Infrastructure

  • Significant Questions to be Answered

Provisional Schedules :

Please register below, you will receive joining information on August 18th.

Please note: Due to space limitations, entry into the conference is not necessarily guaranteed by your registration. We will be recording the sessions and sharing at a later date.

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ISEC Webinar :Elevator 101 - Get in on the Ground Floor
3:00 PM15:00

ISEC Webinar :Elevator 101 - Get in on the Ground Floor

Note: time listed is UTC

11:00 AM US Eastern, 8:00 AM US Pacific

JOIN US for a presentation from…

If you are new to the space elevator concept, this is the webinar for you.

In this era of New Space, the space elevator could play a large role assisting the move off planet and supporting space solar power. How can Elon Musk support his plan to put 1,000,000 tons [of equipment] on Mars?

It has to be the space elevator. 

How can a large number of solar power satellites be built?

It has to be the space elevator.   

How does the space elevator work? When will it be built? How much mass can it put into space?

Join us on the 25th and find out!   

The webinar is free, but you will need to register below


Dates and Times

Start.. Sat, 25 Jun 2022 15:00 UTC
End... Sat, 25 Jun 2022 16:30 UTC

Local Start.. Sat Jun 25 2022 15:00 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Local End... Sat Jun 25 2022 16:30 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Webinar Registration Form

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International Space Development Conference (ISDC)
2:00 PM14:00

International Space Development Conference (ISDC)

  • Hyatt Regency Crystal City At Reagan National Airport (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The ISDC is the annual conference of the National Space Society bringing together NSS leaders and members with key managers, engineers, scientists, educators and business leaders from civilian, military, commercial, entrepreneurial and grassroots advocacy space sectors. Information about sponsorships, exhibiting and volunteering is available at the ISDC2022 website.

As in recent years, ISEC will host a ‘Space Elevator Track’ within ISDC2022, to be held on Friday 27th May 2022 , 2-5 pm. All ISDC attendees may join the session : follow this link to register.

The session consists of papers from the Space Elevator community and a “panel” for discussion : 

The session introduction is:

  • The concept of a Dual Space Access Strategy is well along the way. The combining of strengths of advanced rockets and space elevators will be transformational as a permanent transportation infrastructure moves massive cargo daily, routinely, inexpensively, safely and environmentally friendly.

  • This Green Road to Space is entering engineering development and will ensure our future will improve the Earth’s environment, expand our reach towards the Moon and Mars, and enable projects not even thought about yet.

  • These transformational strengths will be able to raise massive payloads to GEO and beyond (30,000 tonnes per year at Initial Operations) enabling strategic investment, ubiquitous access, and uninterrupted exchange of resources… the staples of Space Elevators.

  • Join the world’s leading experts as they outline, discuss, and debate the best approaches to this exciting technology that will revolutionize access to space.

The full ISDC schedule is below :

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ISEC Webinar : Space Elevator Questions Answered
3:00 PM15:00

ISEC Webinar : Space Elevator Questions Answered

PLEASE NOTE: The time shown to the left is in UTC.

The webinar will be held at 8:00AM PT / 11:00AM ET / 5:00 PM UTC

Is there a question about space elevators you've always wanted to ask ? For example :
- How do they work - really?
- Why are you doing things that way?
- What are your plans for space elevators?
- How much does it cost?

Your questions will be answered at this Webinar on April 30th 2022.

You can submit your questions from now until April 15th, via email to

A panel of ISEC experts will choose among your questions and answer them in this 1.5 hour webinar. All space elevator related topics are on the table.

NOTE : you must be an ISEC member to submit a question or attend the event, but becoming a member is simple … follow this link .

Hosted by : Karyn Gleeson

You do not need to register for the event, all members will be invited.

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ISEC Webinar :The Space Elevator Climber
4:00 PM16:00

ISEC Webinar :The Space Elevator Climber

Time shown is UTC

JOIN US for a presentation from…

Larry Bartoszek, Mechanical Engineer and ISEC Chair for Design, who will discuss the space elevator climber, from basic principles to detailed design. Larry is part of the current ISEC study on the climber/tether interface and has developed a reference climber design using state of the art components. He will cover the current design status, the challenges and the possibility of using near-future technologies.

Hosted by Karyn Gleeson, ISEC Chair for On-Line Events.

The webinar is free, but you will need to register.


Dates and Times

Start.. Sat, 12 Mar 2022 16:00 UTC
End... Sat, 12 Mar 2022 17:30 UTC

Local Start.. Sat Mar 12 2022 16:00 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Local End... Sat Mar 12 2022 17:30 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Webinar Registration Form

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The Modern Space Elevator : Ready to Initiate Development
7:00 PM19:00

The Modern Space Elevator : Ready to Initiate Development

  • British Interplanetary Society (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This is a British Interplanetary Society event at BIS HQ in London, or online : times are BST.

Peter Swan (ISEC President) and Jerry Eddy (ISEC Secretary) will talk about advances that are enabling the engineering behind space elevators to become a reality:

The term “A Modern Day Space Elevator – 2021” has surfaced as we have matured through the eight Space Elevator architectures described by David Raitt in his Quest Magazine article (2021).  As the name implies, the Modern Day Space Elevator has evolved from a dream to a scientific reality as we can move into the second phase of development (Engineering Development).  This change in maturity occurred as the limiting factor of the past has been overcome.  The latest information on tether material is that Single Crystal Graphene (new material with 2D characteristics) has been shown to be strong enough and can be manufactured long enough.   Mr. Adrian Nixon (on our Board and a major player in the development of 2D materials) believes the material will “be ready in time for Space Elevator development.”  Along with the 12 ISEC study reports, 2 IAA reports and a Obayashi report, the baseline for the development of Space Elevators can be defined with processes outlined in how to proceed into this mega-project.  The four major thrusts for the present Modern Day Space Elevator focus on the following statements:

  • Space Elevators are ready to enter Engineering Development

  • Space Elevators are the Green Road to Space

  • Space Elevators can join advanced rockets inside a Dual Space Access Architecture Strategy

  • Space Elevator’s major strength as a permanent transportation infrastructure is movement of massive cargo to GEO and beyond

For registration and more details follow this link .

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Member-only Webinar
3:00 PM15:00

Member-only Webinar

Time shown above/left is UTC, see below for your local time.

Webinar Leader : Dr Dennis Wright, ISEC Vice-President

As a benefit to our active members and as a way to maintain the social and professional contacts which usually take place at our Seattle conference, we are holding a second members-only online workshop.

This meeting will consist of talks, updates and more.

Provisional Agenda :

  • Greetings and Introduction - Karyn Gleeson

  • Status of ISEC - Pete Swan

  • Economic Impact Analysis of SEs - Kevin Barry & Eduardo Pineda

  • Interplanetary Launches using SE - John Knapman

  • Tether Stresses and the Atmosphere Problem - Peter Robinson

  • Global Space Train - Paul Phister

  • Update on the Tether-Climber Interface Study - Dennis Wright

  • Dual Space Architecture - Pete Swan

At the end of the meeting we will have an open-mic session of unstructured discussion so you can renew old contacts, make new ones, or talk about anything that comes to mind.

This is only for ISEC members

If you are not a member and want to participate, you still have plenty of time to join :

go to and sign up.

This is not the same as registering for our newsletter.

Members will receive joining instructions by email just before the event date.

Dates and Times

Start.. Sat, 14 Aug 2021 15:00 UTC
End... Sat, 14 Aug 2021 17:00 UTC

Local Start.. Sat Aug 14 2021 15:00 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Local End... Sat Aug 14 2021 17:00 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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ISEC Webinar : Dual Space Access Architecture - Rockets and Space Elevators
3:00 PM15:00

ISEC Webinar : Dual Space Access Architecture - Rockets and Space Elevators

Time shown is UTC


Dual Space Access Architecture - Rockets and Space Elevators

presented by ISEC president Dr. Pete Swan.

The future dreams and visions of so many around the world are expecting massive movement of cargo to support development.

  • 1,000,000 tonnes to Mars (Mr. Musk’s statement)

  • 3,500,000 tonnes to GEO for Space Solar Power (Chapter 3, Space Elevators Green Road to Space)

  • 10,500,000 tonnes to L-5 for rotating colony

  • … and so many more.

Each of these would be a Herculean task at 20 tonnes per rocket launch to GEO and beyond (2% of launch pad mass). The concept is that the Dual Space Access strategy leverages the strengths of both and enables the dreams of many to come true.

Register below.

Dates and Times

Start.. Sat, 24 Jul 2021 15:00 UTC
End... Sat, 24 Jul 2021 16:30 UTC

Local Start.. Sat Jul 24 2021 15:00 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Local End... Sat Jul 24 2021 16:30 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Webinar Registration Form

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ISDC 2021
to Jun 27

ISDC 2021

  • Google Calendar ICS

This event is now VIRTUAL.

ISEC involvement in the 2021 International Space Development Conference will include a 20-minute Q&A session with our President Dr Pete Swan, available for viewing during the first three FREE days of the event.

We also hope to be involved in the special paid session on Sunday, June 27 2021, running from 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM PDT. Details for this session are still pending.

Check the ISDC event webpage for viewing details and updates.

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Blue Marble Week - Elevators, Space Edition
2:00 PM14:00

Blue Marble Week - Elevators, Space Edition

Blue Marble Week’ is a series of events created by our partner Foundation For The Future to accelerate US cisLunar space infrastructure development.

Day 1 of the next session will be co-hosted by ISEC and will focus on the Earth Space Elevator.
Speakers include ISEC President Peter Swan, Ph.D and members Michael Fitzgerald , Jerry Eddy, David Dotson, Adrian Nixon , Dennis Wright and Vern Hall.

Follow this link to the Blue Marble website.

Follow this link for registration.

Provisional agenda below … times are EST.

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ISEC Webinar : Multi-stage Space Elevator: Research and Development
2:00 PM14:00

ISEC Webinar : Multi-stage Space Elevator: Research and Development

Time shown is UTC



A discussion of the prospect of convergence between improvements in materials technology and advances in the construction and operation of dynamically supported structures. This work aims to reduce the strength requirement of the tether material and so bring forward the day when humanity can build a space elevator.


Dates and Times

Start.. Sat, 06 Mar 2021 14:00 UTC
End... Sat, 06 Mar 2021 15:00 UTC

Local Start.. Sat Mar 06 2021 14:00 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Local End... Sat Mar 06 2021 15:00 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Webinar Registration Form

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71st International Astronautical Congress - The CyberSpace Edition : IAC-2020
to Oct 14

71st International Astronautical Congress - The CyberSpace Edition : IAC-2020

IAC20-D4-3 Session Title : Entering the Space Elevator Era

This session will be open to all on-line, free of charge.

Session Description
Upon publishing the International Academy of Astronautics four-year study entitled “Road to the Space Elevator Era,” members of the study see the future a little brighter. The purpose of this study (published spring 2019) was to assess the critical technological issues and general questions and then present assessments to the Academy to ensure that the topic has been approached with expertise and curiosity. Now the challenge is to initiate appropriate programs, tests, and research to truly enter the Space Elevator Era. This session will discuss the efforts around the world ensuring that the results of the study are incorporated into the engineering and development plans. The invitation is open to show the test results and experimentation results that will indeed lead to space elevators.

IPC members

  • Co-Chair: Dr. Peter Swan, ISEC, US

  • Co-Chair: Dr. Yoji Ishikawa, Obayashi Corporation, Japan

  • Rapporteur: Dr. John Knapman, ISEC, UK

Confirmed content of the Virtual Space Elevator session include…

  1. Fast Transit to Interplanetary Destinations   by Dr Pete Swan (ISEC, US)

  2. Experimental Study on Heavy Load Climber Applying Hybrid Roller Mechanism for Small Manned Space Elevator by Ms Momoe Terata (Shonan IoT, Japan) + others

  3. Three-dimensional analysis of a counterweight type space elevator   by Mr Taiki Okino (Shizuoka Uni, Japan) + others

  4. Beneficial Environmental Impacts of Space Elevators by the study group led by Dr Jerry Eddy (ISEC, US) & Dr Pete Swan

 If you have IAF access the latest paper status can be found by following this link.

Each contributor will provide an eight-minute video, paper and presentation


For general information on IAC-2020 follow this link

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ISEC Webinar : Appropriate Space Access Architecture for Mars
2:00 PM14:00

ISEC Webinar : Appropriate Space Access Architecture for Mars

Time shown is UTC : click this link and enter your location/time zone to see the start time in your location.

This is a World Space Week Event


Dr Pete Swan, ISEC President and renowned space professional, will discuss how space elevators will support the expansion of humanity to Mars and beyond.

Getting to orbit is extremely difficult in both energy and design complexity. Historically, we have been restricted as to what we can take to the mission destination : now that humans have decided to go to the Moon and then on to Mars in an international and government/commercial effort of great magnitude, it is wise to expand our vision.

It would seem that the establishment of a more permanent infrastructure with reusable rockets and permanent space elevators must be developed. This webinar will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of this combined architecture. Expanding the space access architecture concept to include space elevators will enable a robust movement off-planet.

Launchers artwork.png

This artwork by ISEC intern Amelia Stanton depicts the parallel operation of a Space Elevator and a conventional Launch Vehicle, complete with the rocket equation !


Dates and Times

Start.. Sat, 10 Oct 2020 14:00 UTC
End... Sat, 10 Oct 2020 15:00 UTC

Local Start.. Sat Oct 10 2020 14:00 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Local End... Sat Oct 10 2020 15:00 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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Online Workshop for ISEC Members
4:00 PM16:00

Online Workshop for ISEC Members

Time : 1600-1800 UTC : click this link and enter your location/time zone to see your local start time.

As a benefit to our active members and as a way to maintain the social and professional contacts which usually take place at our Seattle conference, we are inaugurating a members-only online workshop.

This two-hour meeting will consist of talks, updates and our famous brain-storming session, this year focusing on the space elevator climber-tether interface. At the end of the meeting we will have an open-mic session of unstructured discussion so you can renew old contacts, make new ones, or talk about anything that comes to mind.

 Also included will be study presentations from our 2020 interns.

This is only for ISEC members.  If you are not a member and want to participate, you still have plenty of time to join : just go to and sign up. This is not the same as registering for our newsletter.

Members will receive joining instructions by email just before the event date.

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STUDENT-ONLY Webinar : Are You Ready To Hop On The Elevator To Space ?
1:30 PM13:30

STUDENT-ONLY Webinar : Are You Ready To Hop On The Elevator To Space ?

Time : 1330-1430 UTC : click this link and enter your location/time zone to see your local start time.

STUDENTS : our India team, in association with NSS(USA)-Mumbai India, is hosting a special Space Elevator webinar on the Gandhi Jayanti holiday, 2nd October 2020 at 7pm IST (1330 UTC).

The Guest Speaker will be Dr Pete Swan from Arizona, USA, President of ISEC and renowned space professional : he will introduce the basics of the Space Elevator concept and describe how it will work alongside existing launch systems. 

The lecture will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of this expanded architecture, enabling a robust movement off-planet.

Follow this link for registration : joining details (via Zoom) will be emailed to you before the event.

Any student worldwide may attend.

If you’re not a student, or if you already know the basics, then Dr Swan will also be presenting on October 10th at 1400 UTC, speaking on “Appropriate Space Access Architecture for Mars” at the ISEC #WSW2020 Webinar.  For details of this later event go to  

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ISEC Webinar : "Architecture Engineering for the Space Elevator"
2:00 PM14:00

ISEC Webinar : "Architecture Engineering for the Space Elevator"

Time shown is UTC


Michael (Fitzer) Fitzgerald, ISEC Chief Architect, is responsible for the "grand plan" for space elevator development, from concept to full operation.

Larger in scope than even a system of systems, the plan has progressive segments which guide project chiefs in the development of their respective systems, yet it is flexible enough to allow the inevitable changes brought about by new ideas and advances in technology.

For those of us used to working on projects of smaller scope, this talk will likely re-adjust your thinking.  Hence, there will be ample time for questions after the talk

Dates and Times

Start.. Fri, 17 Jul 2020 14:00 UTC
End... Fri, 17 Jul 2020 15:00 UTC

Local Start.. Fri Jul 17 2020 14:00 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Local End... Fri Jul 17 2020 15:00 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Webinar Registration Form

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ISEC Webinar : “How Space Elevators Work: Physics Concepts”
2:00 PM14:00

ISEC Webinar : “How Space Elevators Work: Physics Concepts”

Time shown is UTC



Dennis Wright, ISEC Vice President and nuclear and high energy physicist formerly with the Stanford Linear Accelerator, will discuss the physics of space elevators, their motions, their stability and the effects of their physical environment.


Dates and Times


The webinar has ended. You can view the recording on our recorded webinars page.

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ISEC Webinar : “Graphene, the Last Piece of the Space Elevator Puzzle?”
1:00 PM13:00

ISEC Webinar : “Graphene, the Last Piece of the Space Elevator Puzzle?”

Time shown is UTC



Adrian Nixon, Founding Editor of the Nixene Journal and affiliate member of the Graphene Engineering Innovation Centre (GEIC) in Manchester UK, will discuss the latest developments in single crystal graphene, a leading candidate for the space elevator tether material. His talk will also discuss ways to bring this material from the laboratory to industrial-scale production.

A recording of this webinar and the presentation material can be found on our ‘Recorded Webinars’ page, follow this link .

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Space Elevator Climber : Tether Interface, Safety and Reliability Considerations
1:00 PM13:00

Space Elevator Climber : Tether Interface, Safety and Reliability Considerations

Time shown is UTC

This PPT presentation was previously given by Peter Robinson (ISEC Lead Engineer, Climbers) at the August 2019 ISEC conference in Seattle. This repeat showing via Zoom is hosted by the West Midlands branch of the British Interplanetary Society (BIS) at 2pm BST on May 16th, accompanied by a pre-recorded audio commentary. Peter will be on-line for Q&A at the end.

The paper covers the essential and secondary functional requirements for Climbers using friction drive and magnetic drive options, and describes the benefits of small modular drive units.  It then describes other design considerations such as Centre of Gravity, Steering and ‘Descender’ climbers.

Follow this link for more details.

This is the title slide from the original presentation

This is the title slide from the original presentation

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