Space Elevator Session at 73rd International Astronautical Congress : IAC-2022 — International Space Elevator Consortium
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Space Elevator Session at 73rd International Astronautical Congress : IAC-2022

  • The Paris Convention Centre 1 Place de la Porte de Versailles Paris, IDF, 75015 France (map)

The Space Elevator event at IAC 2022 is Session D4.3 (Room E06B, 3pm-5.30pm local time) as follows :


Session 3 : Modern Day Space Elevators Entering Development


The term “Modern Day Space Elevator – 2021” describes how we have matured through eight Space Elevator architectures described by David Raitt in his Quest Magazine article (2021). This session will have two areas of focus:

1) Recognition of engineering successes leading to the engineering development phase. This portion of the session will focus on recent engineering activities such as:

a. tether climber – tether material interface and design considerations

b. development of a gold standard of systems dynamics

c. progress in the multi-stage approach

d. engineering considerations for the Earth Port

e. material development for the tether

2) Assessment of the customer needs for growth off planet and enhancement at Geosynchronous orbits. This portion will assess the vast capabilities of the Modern Day Space Elevator (massive movement of cargo, green road to space and permanent infrastructure) and describe how these will enable missions of VAST IMPORTANCE to humanity (saving the planet with Space Solar Power, Mars Colony, Moon Village, and missions to outer planets).

IPC members

Co-Chair: Dr. Peter Swan, International Space Elevator Consortium, US

Co-Chair: Dr. Yoji Ishikawa, Obayashi Corporation, Japan

Rapporteur: Dr. Jerry Eddy, International Space Elevator Consortium (ISEC), US

Details of accepted papers can be found by following this link, summarised in the image below.

Note, on the submission deadline only 13 of the 16 listed papers were confirmed.

Session Status on 29th June 2022

For more on IAC-2022 follow this link .