ISEC President Dennis Wright Speaks on Public Radio on "Are Space Elevators Really a Possibility?"

So what are the hurdles that keep us from building a space elevtor? And why does it seem that the space elevator is always 25 years away? Ira Flatow is joined by Dr. Dennis Wright, President of the International Space Elevator Consortium to talk about the feasibility of this megaproject.

Click below to listen to this 18-minute presentation from August 21. A transcript will be available in a couple of weeks. The program went out on 497 public radio stations across the U.S.


ISEC 2024 Conference Call for Papers

The International Space Elevator Consortium invites the submission of abstracts for papers to be presented at its 2024 conference in Chicago in September.  Papers should cover space elevator topics including design, dynamics, applications, scientific value and economic impact. 

Abstracts should be between 200 and 400 words in length and describe briefly the contents of the proposed paper and its importance to the development of space elevators.  Abstracts must be in pdf format and submitted to the review board chairman before May 31, 2024:

Dennis Wright (     

Authors will be notified of abstract acceptance by 15 June, at which point they will be invited to submit a paper on the topic and make a 20 minute oral presentation at the conference.  Authors may opt for a 10 minute oral presentation which does not require an accompanying paper.  All oral presentation materials, such as ppt or pdf slides must be submitted before the conference.  Papers should be a minimum of 2000 words in length, including supporting figures, and will be considered for publication either in the ISEC conference proceedings or other journal.

Important Dates:

Abstract submission deadline: May 31
Abstract acceptance notification: June 15
Decision on type of presentation: July 31
Submission of presentation materials: August 31

Please send questions or requests for details to Dennis Wright (


Latest ISEC Study now published in Acta Astronautica

The latest ISEC study report "Conditions at the interface between the space elevator tether and its climber" is now published on Acta Astronautica 'Open Access' : that means it is available IN FULL for FREE download.
Follow this link to read or download now.

Thanks again to Study Lead and ISEC VP Dennis Wright for progressing the work to this stage, assisted as always by co-authors Larry Bartoszek, AJ Burke, David Dotson, Hassan El Chab, John Knapman, Martin Lades, Adrian Nixon, Paul Phister and Peter Robinson.


"Dreaming of Space..." at the Space Education Summit

Here's a link to a video presentation titled “Dreaming of Space: Take a Space Elevator” by ISEC President Peter Swan, given at the 'Space Education Summit' hosted by The Human Space Program, led by Mark Wagner and moderated by Remco Timmermans.

The Summit was a video symposia broadcast to over 400 viewers interested in “upping their game” with respect to space.  We believe this extract is currently one of the best presentations summarizing the latest vision of the future #SpaceElevator transportation system.

Watch on our website here :


Papers ready for Publication

Two papers by ISEC members presented at the IAC Space Elevator session in Paris in September 2022 have now been revised, peer reviewed and accepted for publication in Acta Astronautica. Follow the links below to download copies, valid until end-May-23 …

- “Space elevator tether materials: An overview of the current candidates”, authors Adrian Nixon, John Knapman and Dennis Wright.

- “Space elevator climber dynamics analysis and climb frequency optimisation”, author Peter Robinson.
