“Climber/Tether Interface of the Space Elevator” Study Report now available !

The 2023 ISEC Study is now complete.
Starting in late 2020, the “Climber/Tether Interface of the Space Elevator” Study has taken over two years to progress to the report “preprint” stage, pending submission for peer-reviewed publication.
The task was led by ISEC Vice-President Dennis Wright, with the assistance of co-authors Larry Bartoszek, AJ Burke, David Dotson, Hassan El Chab, John Knapman, Martin Lades, Adrian Nixon, Paul Phister, Ph.D, P.E. and Peter Robinson.

Thanks also to Isha Parvaiz, FRAS and Fedor Sulitskiy of KCL Space for acting as early reviewers.

Follow this link for the Executive Summary.

The full study can be downloaded from the OSF preprint server at https://osf.io/d3fm7/ .

Image credit : Larry Bartozsek